Sunday, May 22, 2011

Back at It!

I think it has been 3 months since I last posted, so I decided to just post anything to get back in the groove!  This  is what I have been doing......fixing up our new townhouse.  It has been interesting to read my prior posts about paint colors, etc.......because these walls were going to be gray and ended up a soft, sagey green.  I love them, of course, but goes to show how decorating is a process.  I paid an interior designer to come in and check out the colors I had chosen, and she gave me the advice of not breaking up the bedroom and bathroom - to use the same color.  GREAT advice as it is a contemporary design and there is no door between the two rooms.  Woulda been awkward to change colors.  AND I had no intention of maroon being the "pop" color for this room, but two things made it come together:  the proportion of the flower picture (it was the biggest artwork in the house) and the fact that the maroon is a great complimentary color for green. (Although a nice shade of pink would also work, but I don't think my husband is ready for pink!)