Sunday, January 30, 2011

Black Pants and Black Boots

The trend is pants and black boots.  It's just one of those looks that you gotta have if you want to feel really trendy.  But, it's not easy easy to even FIND the right pant/boot pairing.  Wearing the pants tucked in can be a challenge because the boot calf needs to be wide enough!  But when you do find the right boots (see my earlier post on the challenge I had) I strongly suggest you wear a top to cover your butt!  It just makes the whole look come together and be more balanced, no matter how slim you are.

See for yourself:  The picture on the left is a "DO" and the picture on the right is a "DON'T"!

                                                  DO                                                 DON'T

Below is me and my sister-in-law sporting the look.  This is after a 6-hour wait in the hospital and receiving some great news!  But I had to chuckle that we were both sporting the black pant/black boot trend and actually are both "DO'S" for our body shape/height.  You can't see our boots but the point is still made:  COVER YOUR BUTT and experiment with different top/bottoms to find one that looks right for you.

Note that one of us is closer to 6' tall and one of us is closer to 5' tall; one of us is a triangle shape and one of us is an inverted triangle shape.  So, YOU TOO can wear this look.  Just play with it.

For those of you who can stand a little more detail, as I study this picture, I also notice something very subtle but important:  My sister-in-law has her (pink) scarf open, while I have my (white) scarf centered.  There is a reason for this:  The pink scarf is visually widening her upper body, while the white scarf is visually narrowing my upper body.  I am the inverted triangle so I need to narrow my upper body.  The fashion rule is this:  try to balance your upper and lower body and create as much of a waist as you can.  So, yes, think hourglass.  (At least with your shoulders and hips.)  What does that mean?  It doesn't matter if your shoulders are 4' wide or 2' wide - try to balance them with your hips!  OOHHHHH, I just saw one other important trick!  Notice how one of us is wearing short sleeves and one of us long sleeves???  See how the short sleeves add 2-3 inches to her chest/shoulder area by making your eye follow the horizontal cut along the short sleeve?  This is done right as it further broadens her top to balance her bottom, and I don't need any more horizontal width across my shoulder and chest area!

So, for the philosophical/experimental purpose of my blog:  How was my life enhanced or changed this week because of my building a better wardrobe to then create a better/authentic life?  Even though I was facing an extremely stressful day of driving my mother to her heart surgery appointment, I took the time to dress and put on makeup.  I didn't want to.  I didn't even feel like showering.  But, I knew it would make for a more comfortable day.  I now have memories of a wonderful bonding experience with my sisters in the waiting room, and a healthier Mom who is recovering well!

Leave a comment of how you've been successful with the black boot/black pant or leggings combo...

1 comment:

  1. I totally love the skinny black leggings and long butt-covering top look with black boots. Awhile back the look was featured on Oprah and the suggestion made that this was a look for women of any age! Thanks for your take on it!
