Saturday, January 22, 2011

If you Build It...

Wednesday night was very un-precidented event happened - Celtics tickets dropped in my lap! In the context of "Building your authentic wardrobe and your authentic (and exciting) life will come" I did not hesitate when I was offered last-minute tickets to the Detroit/Pistons game this past week - thanks B and P!

Here's what I had ready and waiting in my car and in my gym bag at work:

Picture a rainy New England night in Boston with 1 foot of snow on the ground - yes, there were puddles to navigate!  Had I not been prepared with hiking boots, I'm not sure I would have accepted the tickets...get the picture?

Of course, I wasn't prepared with my camera, so I didn't get fun pictures of the whole gang together.    Scratch that, thanks to Facebook, I got this picture!

Donna and Donna at the Celtics game!

The most severe weather does not have to mean BORING.  Check this out:

And you can get inspiration from your snow-covered surroundings....I've been wearing my "snowflake" pin a lot lately....

I just love how the sparkle in the blue scarf plays so well with the sparkle of the pin!

I would love to hear your comments below on what you've done for winter dressing or have worn to "keep it interesting!"  You can also email me pix by sending to the email in "my profile" at the right.

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